
A New University Course: “Circular models in Construction”

Institute of Circular Economy (ICE) in partnership with EnEffect, launched an optional course called “Circular models in Construction” at the University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy (UASG), Sofia.

The idea of ​​the course brings together a multidisciplinary team of young professionals willing to inspire the future generation of architects, engineers and designers to follow and apply the principles of the circular economy from conceptual design, through design development, construction, and all other phases of a building’s life cycle. The motivation for the course is the shared cause of limiting and reversing the negative effect of the construction industry on the environment.

Circular construction is characterised by the design, operation and repeated reuse of materials and building components in an economically and socially responsible way, contributing to the restoration of the well-being of nature. In this context, the learning material lays its foundation trought basic ecological principles and the world we are all part of, goes through a theoretical part of sustainable and regenerative design and the circular economy, and ends with a technical part including current trends: reuse of building materials, modular design, BIM integration, digital twins, etc.

Come, let’s meet and learn together about the current methods that will guarantee our future.

Energy for our Rooftops: A call to scale up solar/photovoltaic energy with our citizens and communities in mind

On May 25, 2022, a group of green organizations from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, including the Circular Economy Institute, For the Earth and Greenpeace – Bulgaria, submitted a letter to the heads of state of their countries, calling on their governments to to be ‘solar champions’ and ‘to fully exploit the potential of rooftop PV’.

This action was triggered bt the European Commission launched of the #EUSolarStrategy #REPowerEU package on 18 May, with a mandate for rooftop solar on all new buildings by 2029.

According to conservative estimates, “solar” roofs have the potential to cover a quarter of the electricity consumption in the EU, producing 680 TWh of solar electricity per year.

Read the full letter here.

Imagine Circularity – the first ever global circular economy survey!

Get involved in the first ever global circular economy survey “Imagine the Circularity!”

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that Bulgaria is part of the global circular economy survey #ImagineCircularity, in which more than 1 million people worldwide are expected to participate!
With this study, we aim to better understand how people perceive and view an economy that is ‘circular’ rather than linear. The survey isn’t about getting the answers right or wrong – it’s about understanding what people are imagining.
Based on the results of this study, it will be possible to take adequate actions for more circular and more sustainable solutions for the benefit of the Planet and all its inhabitants.

Thank you in advance for participating in this survey, which will be available online until April 19, 2022.